As the hemp plant keeps gaining popularity, more developments regarding its potential health benefits emerge. Delta-8 is among the latest development that is taking over the market. This compound is associated with intoxicating effects, and most people wish to avoid it. Herein are the tips on stopping a delta 8 high, including taking low concentrations, taking a lot of water, and avoiding cross-contamination.

Delta-8 is made from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the major chemical compounds in hemp, cannabis, and marijuana. These plants also have other organic chemical compounds such as flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabidiol (CBD). However, unlike other elements, THC receives a lot of attention due to its potential risks. Some states are yet to legalize cannabis products, even for therapeutic benefits because of THC in hemp-based products. If you have been getting “high” with Delta-8 THC, what do you do to stop it?

Are Delta-8 Products Legal In the USA?

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, all hemp-based products are legal within the USA. However, the bill has regulations on producing these products for their user’s safety. Although the bill legalized hemp and marijuana-based products in the US, mandates were given to state governments to determine their usage and legality within their territories. As a result, 12 states are yet to legalize hemp-based products, including Delta-8 THC, due to their intoxicating effects.

The 2018 Farm Bill did not legalize marijuana, a cannabis-based plant, because of its high THC levels. Hemp and cannabis sativa were legalized because their THC levels are below 0.3 %. Based on this law, Delta-8 THC products are only legal within the USA if their THC levels are below 0.3%.

Can Delta-8 Make You Fail A Drug Test?

According to Kale (2019), Delta-8 THC products are likely to make you fail a drug test since it comprises THC as the main element. However, there are various ways of evading this predicament. Always consider the concentrations of Delta-8 THC. Also, avoid marijuana-based Delta-8 products since the THC levels in marijuana are high and will make you fail the test. Lastly, take a lot of water before the drug test. Although this might not be the most effective way, water speeds digestion, clearing out THC from your system faster.

Tips On Avoiding the THC’ High’

Although THC is one of the major chemical compounds of Delta-8 products, there are various ways you can avoid getting high from it, including;

Taking Low Concentrations

THC potency levels should be the priority while buying Delta-8 products. Fattore, Liana & Walter (2011) suggested that concentrated THC has psychoactive side effects that can cause discomfort, poor memory and restlessness. Beginners should be careful even with low concentrations since their body is yet to adapt to THC. They are recommended to begin with low potency levels of 5 mg per serving as they monitor the possible outcome. Veterans and novices shouldn’t over-rely on the posted potency levels. The Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) has conflicted with multiple hemp-based brands for posting wrong potency levels, which expose their customers to overdosing risks.

Using Hemp-based Delta-8 THC

As noted, THC can be obtained from organic hemp, cannabis sativa, or marijuana. However, the THC levels in marijuana are different from those in cannabis sativa and hemp plants. Marijuana has over 2.4% THC levels, which is intoxicating. Therefore, you are likely to get ‘high’, even with minimum quantities of marijuana-based Delta-8 than hemp or cannabis-based. It is difficult to determine whether delta 8 product is hemp or marijuana-based, and that’s when the issue of brand transparency steps in. If the brand you wish to buy your Delta-8 product from has been receiving warnings from the FDA regarding their transparency on potency levels, it’s better to avoid it. Such brands can misinform you about their products’ ingredients, making you abuse marijuana.

Take A Lot of Water

Although this might not help much, it might make the situation better. Don’t panic if you have taken too much Delta-8 THC and wish to minimize the intoxicating side effects, don’t panic. Water clears THC from your system faster since it speeds metabolism. According to Morris Robert et al. (2014), alcohol is not an alternative for dehydration in such cases. Instead of it improving the situation, it worsens.

Avoid Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is one of the popular ways Delta-8 users experience the “high” effect. Using hemp-based Delta-8 alongside other intoxicating products such as smoking marijuana or sniffing cocaine heightens the chances of getting “high”. If you must use medication, check on its possible side effects. If intoxication is among the possible outcomes, avoid it since it intensifies the “high” effect of Delta-8 THC, even from the hemp plant. 

Minimize Secondary Exposure to Other Drugs

Although you might have been taking Delta-8 THC responsibly, sharing a room with people smoking marijuana or other drugs increases the chances of getting “high”. Kuga et al. (2021) noted that as a passive smoker, you would take a considerable amount of THC, increasing the psychoactive side effects of Delta-8 THC. Avoiding secondary exposure to other drugs keeps you safe, especially if you use Delta-8 THC for therapeutic use. Suggested by Fattore, Liana & Walter (2011).


Getting high from Delta-8 THC after taking the necessary precautions might be the worst feeling. To avoid such cases, take personal precautions by affirming the actual potency levels of Delta-8, avoiding cross-contamination and secondary exposure to THC, and taking a lot of water to speed digestion. In addition, always check whether the brand you are getting your Delta-8 products from has a clean reputation with the FDA regarding the safety of their products in terms of potency and purity levels. Some brands expose their customers to overdosing unknowingly. Even then, there can be a variance in potency levels, but it shouldn’t exceed 10%.


  • How Do You Sober Up from Delta 8?

    Consuming a substance with high sugar levels can help combat nausea that accompanies delta 8 highness. One can also take a cold shower to make the mind more alert. Note that it should be a cold shower, not warm or lukewarm. Additionally, fresh air is vital since it enhances blood circulation, energizing the mind.

  • What Is the Fastest Way to Remove Delta 8?

    The fastest way to get rid of delta 8 from the body is to drink water since it helps clear delta 8 out of the body. Eating foods rich in proteins and fiber helps the body to remove toxins through defecation and urination. Additionally, exercising regularly is vital since it boosts metabolism rates in the body and helps remove toxins.

  • How Long Do You Need to Be Clean to Pass a Urine Drug Test?

    You must be clean for about 30 days to pass a urine test. A urinalysis test screens many substances, such as marijuana, ecstasy, and prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Additionally, one can opt to detox if exposed to high amounts of schedule 1 substances by using cleansing pills.

  • Can You Fight a Positive Drug Test?

    Yes. One can dispute a positive drug test if his or her system is clean. Fighting a positive drug test includes asking for further tests to corroborate the claim. False drug tests for alcohol can be verified by screening the blood for a more accurate outcome.

  • 8 Ways to Sober Up from Being Too High

    Some of the recommended ways to sober up after experiencing a high include;

    -Drinking much water
    -Consuming black pepper since it helps to combat anxiety and paranoia
    -Sleeping or resting
    -aking a cold shower
    -Finding a distraction like engaging in a calming activity
    -Taking a walk to get some fresh air


Fattore, L., & Fratta, W. (2011). Beyond THC: The New Generation Of Cannabinoid
        Designer Drugs. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 60.

Kale, N. (2019). Urine Drug Tests: Ordering And Interpreting Results. American Family
        Physician, 99(1), 33-39.

Kuga, K., Ito, K., Chen, W., Wang, P., Fowles, J., & Kumagai, K. (2021). Secondary
        Indoor Air Pollution And Passive Smoking Associated With Cannabis Smoking
        Using Electric Cigarette Device–Demonstrative In Silico Study. Plos
        Computational Biology, 17(5), E1009004..

Morris, R. G., Teneyck, M., Barnes, J. C., & Kovandzic, T. V. (2014). The Effect Of
        Medical Marijuana Laws On Crime: Evidence From State Panel Data, 1990-
        2006. Plos One, 9(3), E92816.

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