This article is based on anecdotal evidence, and it’s not to serve as medical advice. The Delta 8 THC products are not to treat or prevent any health conditions or diseases.

Up until recently, Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been the most famous cannabinoid.  However, since Congress passed the Agricultural Act of 2018, the legalization of industrial hemp and hemp-derived products skyrocketed, making other cannabis compounds available to consumers. Delta 8 is one of them. As a result, the industry has been booming for a few years now, as people are turning to Delta 8 as a way to engage in the effects of THC.

What is Delta 8?

Delta-8 THC is a minor, naturally occurring cannabinoid that contains psychoactive properties. One of the most distinctive features of the compound is the double carbon bond which exists in the eighth and ninth atoms. Vendors put the compound through multiple purification methods to create gummies, vape cartridges, flowers, and more. 

1.    Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: What’s the Difference?

Delta 8 and Delta 9 have similar structures. However, as we briefly mentioned, the Delta 8 compound has a double carbon bond in the eighth and ninth atom, whereas Delta 9 has a double bond on the ninth atom in the chain of carbons.

This change in chemical makeup causes the main differences between the effects of Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC. Namely, the Delta 9 molecular structure lets the compound create a strong link with CB1 endocannabinoid brain receptors. On the other hand, the Delta-8 compound doesn’t bond as quickly with the receptors in the brain due to moving the double carbon bond to the eighth atom. This is the main reason why Delta-8 THC is less potent than the regular Delta 9 THC. 

2.    What Are the Delta 8 Effects?

To understand the Delta 8 effects, you need to learn how does the endocannabinoid work. The endocannabinoid system (ESC) consists of multiple cell-signaling receptors that regulate specific processes in the body. These processes are carried out by the nervous and immune systems and include:

The endocannabinoid system is comprised of cell-signaling receptors that regulate multiple processes throughout the body, like being carried out by both the immune and nervous systems. In the ESC, there are the cannabinoid receptors — CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located in the nervous system, whereas CB2 receptors are found in the immune system. Cannabinoids bind to the receptors in the ECS and are broken down to produce the effects.

Even though the scientific research about Delta 8 is inconclusive and still ongoing, some of the anecdotal Delta 8 effects are improved rest, relaxation, increased focus, and uplifted feelings. People have reported using Delta 8 products to help with insomnia, calmness, and support muscle pain relief. Additionally, users have also shared that Delta 8 has helped them manage addiction and boost appetite.

3.    Is Delta 8 Safe?

As we said, there’s a lack of substantial evidence regarding the impact that Delta 8 has on one’s overall health. According to anecdotal evidence, Delta 8 products are generally safe to use. Common side effects include confusion, discomfort, restlessness, pressure, and numbness. Make sure to contact a doctor if you notice any of these reactions after consuming D8 THC.

Unlike THC, a heavily regulated substance, Delta 8 is legal to use in most states. This is because Delta 8 is extracted from hemp-derived CBD. Legally speaking, Delta 8 THC sits in a grey area, thanks to the 2018 Farm Act. The act classifies all products with 0.3% THC concentration as hemp. The bill, however, doesn’t specifically mention Delta 8 products, so the products are legal to market and use with no restrictions whatsoever. This is also the main reason for the booming Delta 8 industry.

5.    How to Take Delta 8?

Delta 8 has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years, and now you can find it in a wide range of products. Your choice will depend on the method you’re feeling most comfortable with.

Delta 8 gummies are the most widespread product. This is because they are convenient and easy to take. You simply need to take the suggested dosage and wait for the effects to kick in. A bonus is that the Delta 8 gummies are delicious and come in fun variants, like bears, worms, rings, and more.

CBD vape cartridges are another standard option for taking Delta 8. Using a vaping device to inhale Delta 8 will ensure fast results.

6.    How to Dose Delta 8?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the perfect Delta 8 doses. Instead, the effects are individualized, so everyone can have different expectations depending on how much Delta 8 is consumed. The reality is that you’ll need some experimentation to find the dosage that works best for you and produces the effect you want without side effects.

The most important thing is to start slowly. Eat one or even half a gummy, or take one puff if vaping. Monitor the effects and then incrementally increase the dose. Keep a record of your experience to find the optimal amount.

7.    How Long Until Delta 8 Starts Producing Effects?

When it comes to the time needed for Delta 8 to take effect, some anecdotal evidence pinpoints those effects kick in 3 to 4 hours after intake. However, some users report experiencing results as fast as 1 or 2 hours after consumption. In reality, the time needed for Delta 8 to produce effects depends on several factors.

The main factor is the body weight of the consumer and their overall health condition. Additionally, an individual’s tolerance to THC substances and the method used for consumption also plays a significant role.

The fastest-acting method is vaping. It takes about 30 minutes after inhaling Delta 8 to feel the effects. When taking Delta 8 gummies, the effects will kick in slower, as they need to be fully processed by the digestive system to produce results.

Now, keep in mind that these are estimates. It’s best to test yourself and determine what works best for you.

8.    Will Delta 8 Get You High?

Consuming Delta 8 products will get you high. It’s a psychoactive compound, so it has mind-altering effects. That said, the high you will experience is mild and incomparable to that of Delta 9 THC. It’s more of a gentle buzz and mellow feeling. Generally, users report feeling more clear-headed, relaxed, and outgoing after taking Delta 8. You’ll skip the mental fogginess, discomfort and uneasy feeling often associated with Delta 9 use. Keep in mind that the experiences with Delta 8 THC vary from person to person.

9.    Can Delta 8 Make You Fail a Drug Test?

Delta 8 can cause you to test positive for THC on a drug test. Delta 8 can trigger a positive test because it produces the same metabolites as Delta 9 THC. It’s worth mentioning that the way Delta 8 is broken down in the body is unique. Numerous factors influence this, including the method of consumption and the other cannabinoid potentially present in the product. The type of test, the individual’s body chemistry, and duration of use also influence whether the test will be positive. The bottom line is that if you don’t want the risk of testing positive on a drug test, avoid using Delta 8 before testing.

10.    How Long Will the Delta 8 Effects Last?

The longevity of the Delta 8 effects varies from person to person. One’s body weight, tolerance to THC substances, age, and overall health of the consumer are the main factors impacting how long the effects will last. Some anecdotal evidence reveals that the effects typically don’t last as long as Delta 9 THC.

The higher the concentration of Delta 8 THC, the longer-lasting the effects will be. The quality and purity of the products also contribute. This is yet another reason why you need to purchase Delta 8 products only from reputable vendors.

Finally, the dosage of Delta 8 you take also influences the length of the effects. You can try and increase the dose incrementally if needed. Increasing the dosage might give you a prolonged effect, but it can also be counterproductive, as it could cause adverse effects. You need to be very careful.

Where Can You Get It?

As mentioned before, Delta 8 has gained a lot of popularity recently. It’s also legal, so you can find it in convenience stores, vape shops, and gas stations. That said, you can often run into subpar products. So the safest place to buy Delta 8 products is online. This is because reputable online shops provide independent lab results, and you can easily find reviews that testify to the products’ quality. It’s the easiest way to ensure you’re buying safe products free of chemicals. JustDelta, for example, is transparent about the product manufacturing process, and you can easily access the lab results for each product. Plus, the Delta 8 vendor has prompt customer service, if you want to ask any question regarding the products.

Which Delta-8 is the Best?

It’s worth noting that unless you live in a state that permits cannabis, such as California, Colorado, or Washington State, delta-8 products largely go unregulated–even ones that hit the shelves of convenience stores and head shops.

Because of this lack of regulation, it’s important to make sure that you’re shopping from brands that ensure quality.

For starters, make sure to only purchase delta-8 products that are clearly labeled, and have a QR code that will direct you to the batch’s lab reports. And when shopping online, make sure that the brand conducts third-party testing, and that the certificates of analysis (COAs) are accessible through the site.

How Delta-8 is Made

As an isomer of delta-9 THC, delta-8 is essentially a chemical variant that naturally occurs in cannabis, albeit in low concentrations.

However, virtually no delta-8 product is sourced directly from cannabis; this method is both expensive and time-consuming which, in turn, contributes to a steep price point for such products.

 Instead, delta-8 is most often converted from other cannabinoids–usually delta-9 THC or CBD. This is possible because all cannabinoids are evolved from one: cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA. Known as the “mother cannabinoid,” CBGA naturally evolves into the 100+ cannabinoids in cannabis. And what’s more is that CBGA can be guided in a lab so that it makes specific cannabinoids.

In order to make CBGA into delta-8, hemp extract is refined so that only 98% CBD is what’s left. Then, the CBD is combined with a non-polar solvent like heptane. When this becomes a solution, an acid reagent is added, which catalyzes the conversion into delta-8.

From that point, the solution is stirred continuously for 3 hours (usually automated) before it is then neutralized and purified to remove any unwanted residue.

Then, the batch is tested, typically through chromatography, to ensure that no unwanted chemicals are present, and that the product is pure.

Can Delta-8 Cause Psychosis?

When considering the pros and cons of THC, it’s become a hot topic whether delta-9 or delta-8 can cause psychosis, and the research is mixed.

According to The Psychiatric Times, CB1 receptors are found in high concentrations throughout the brain, particularly in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and cortex, with lower levels present in the thalamus, hypothalamus, and amygdala.

It’s also noted that when CB1 receptors are activated, this mediates the behavior of  cannabinoids in the brain, which is important for modulating the release of neurotransmitters for maintaining homeostasis.

In this article, it’s left with the final thoughts that while scientists attempt to better understand the relationship between cannabis and psychosis, it’s still important to consider the link between cannabis and psychosis, and to assess patients for cannabis use on a case-by-case basis.

Meanwhile, one review from The Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, it’s reported that there is evidence suggesting a relationship between cannabis use and the risk for psychosis, and further that it has been replicated frequently.

With this in mind, it appears that the link is particularly strong in the cases of individuals who have been consuming THC since their adolescent years, and this may have an effect on not only psychosis but also cognitive functions. This is why like with all intoxicating products, it’s important to consume responsibly.

Can Delta-8 Help You Sleep?

CBD has become popular among users seeking some better shut-eye, and there has been some evidence supporting its potential benefits.

Surfacing research suggests that CBD may help promote sleep, at least indirectly, by easing restlessness for a better night’s sleep.

But what’s the story on delta-9’s sister cannabinoid? Can delta-8 help you sleep?

Currently, research surrounding delta-8 is fairly limited, but it’s been suggested that delta-8 may have a similar effect on discomfort and body ache as CBD. And in one consumer study from The National Center for Biotechnology Information focusing on delta-8 for medical use, it’s theorized that “delta-8-THC may be equally effective for desired purposes of cannabis use and lower in undesirable or adverse effects,” which points to, again, the use of delta-8 as a calming agent, which may indirectly help with sleep.

Interestingly though, delta-8’s direct relationship with sleep is being examined. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), delta-8 is unique in that it binds with receptors in the nervous system that help regulate functions like heart rate, breath, and cognition.

Still, it’s important to note that while some research on delta-8 holds potential, its benefits for sleep still need more research before any health claims can be made. That being said, if you struggle with a sleep disorder such as insomnia, or if you’ve been struggling to sleep due to muscle pain or discomfort, it’s important to speak with a physician about the best course of action.

What is Delta-8 Flower?

As mentioned above, delta-8 is usually made in a lab, which is produced as an extract that can be added to gummies, vapes, oils, and capsules.

So what is delta-8 flower? How is delta-8 flower made?

Delta-8 flower starts with hemp flowers, which contain less than the 0.3% THC limit. These flowers are then covered with kief and distillate oil that’s been infused with delta-8, forming several coats to increase the high that’s created consuming the flower.

Delta-8 flower can be used for a number of different methods, but smoking it may be the most popular means of consumption, and delta-8 users typically report feeling a high that’s tuned in and focused, accompanied by a sense of relaxation in the body.

What Are Delta-8 Edibles?

As you might have already guessed, delta-8 edibles are any kind of food (or beverage) that’s had delta-8 added in. And because there are so many different foods that work well with delta-8, the possibilities are endless, and there are constantly new delta-8 edibles hitting the shelves.

But of course, the most popular kind of delta-8 edible is certainly gummies, which are discreet, delicious, and offer an extended shelf life.

What’s the Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-10?

When we think about THC, many of us might say that marijuana’s what first comes to mind.

And yet, THC is a bit more elaborate than this. THC can come in a number of different isomers, and marijuana mostly consists of the isomer delta-9.

Delta-10, on the other hand, is mainly created from hemp, which is federally legal.

Following the stardom of delta-8, delta-10 is having its moment as the newest cannabinoid to hit the market, and it possesses enough benefits to set it apart.

While still fairly new, delta-8 and delta-10 have both made positive first impressions on the market and its consumers.

Both types of THC are known to be quite mild compared to the delta-9 in marijuana, not to mention the fact that both of these cannabinoids are known for producing a pleasant, legal high.

But as users will quickly notice, delta-8 and delta-10 have their own unique personalities.

According to many users, delta-10 tends to produce an energizing high that leaves them feeling alert and focused, which might be ideal for completing projects, doing chores, or even while studying or reading.

Meanwhile, delta-8 THC is often known for leaving users with a profound sense of relaxation and calmness. And while this might be the exact effect some people hope for, others might not say so.

If you’re not so much into the vapes that make you want to veg out, delta-10 vapes might be what you’re looking for.

Are Delta-8 Gummies Strong?

For those who are just starting to get acquainted with cannabis products, delta-8 can make a great start, since its effects are, compared to delta-9, quite mild. And gummies can be a great way to get into delta-8; not only are they cheerful to look at and delicious to eat, but they can offer a pleasant, gentle high.

However, it’s still important to note that delta-8 gummies can be surprisingly strong, especially if you’re not experienced with THC. On top of that, delta-8 gummies will usually take some time to kick in, which makes it tempting to take a few more. Remember, though, that when delta-8 gummies kick in, the rush of intoxication can become incredibly intense.

All of that is to say that delta-8 gummies should be enjoyed in moderation, and it’s best to start with a low dose, usually around 5-15 mg, and you can gradually work your way up toward a stronger, more euphoric high.

What is the Best Way to Take Delta-8?

There are a few things worth considering when shopping for delta-8 THC, including the time of day, potency in the delta-8 product, the strain, and your own personal dosage needs.

The best choice for delta-8 is going to align with your own personal preferences, and certain products may be more appealing to different customers.

For instance, maybe you’ve never vaped delta-8 before, and you might find vapes to hold a bit of a learning curb. Meanwhile, you might find delta-8 gummies to be inconvenient to carry around, and the sweet flavor and chewy texture might not be your thing.

That being said, experimentation and exploration is the best way to go about with delta-8 products, where you try different types of products to gauge what works best.

It’s also important to consider the time of day in which you’re taking your delta-8, particularly since products with higher dosages tend to be more enjoyable in the evenings.

Meanwhile, the best delta-8 products for daytime use might be the ones with a gradual release, such as capsules. With this in mind, the bioavailability of delta-8 products becomes particularly important.

Bioavailability is the remaining amount of delta-8 THC that your body uses once it’s been metabolized by your liver. Different forms of delta 8 THC provide a different level of bioavailability.

For instance, orally-consumed delta-8 products, like edibles or capsules, have the lowest bioavailability since they’re digested. Meanwhile, products consumed under the tongue have a higher bioavailability, as most of the delta-8 enters the bloodstream through thesublingual nerve.

Meanwhile, inhalable delta-8 products like vapes have the highest bioavailability; when you vape delta 8 THC, it absorbs into your system through the lung tissue, producing nearly instant effects.

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